Otto-Brenner-Str. 6
37170 Uslar
Company Details
The company SPÄNEX GmbH is a specialist for suction plants and briquetting systems. The company supplies a wide range of system solutions for the environmentally friendly disposal and use of chips and dust as well as paint mist:
- Plants for extraction, ventilation and filter technology
- Briquetting presses
- Boilers for wood fuel
- Paint mist extraction systems
Typical products are the powerful SPÄNEX compact dust extractors SMU and the varied filter systems with scavenging air filter (vacuum filter) with regulated fans. More than 3.000 machines of the proven briquetting presses of the SHB series are in practical use.
Spänex is a partner of numerous craft and industrial companies in the wood processing industry. The products are also used in plastics processing as well as in the paper, textile, food and metal industries.
Representatives in your location
2, Park Road
WEKO House, Kingston upon Thames
Surrey, KT2 6AY
United Kingdom
P.O. Box 170037
1595 Skylyn Drive, Suite D
Spartanburg, SC 29307
South Carolina
Product programme
Machine types
- Spray walls and booths
- Briquetting presses
- Extraction systems
- Filtering separators
- Fans
- Specialised control systems for chips and dust extraction systems
- Boiler systems with furnaces for wood fuels (solid wood, chips, dust, etc.)
- Energy-saving pneumatic conveying systems and auxiliary equipment
- Chopping machines (slow-speed)
- Chips and dust extraction systems (including filters)
- Extraction machines, stand alone
- Silos
- Residual dust concentration monitoring systems
- Chips and dust extraction equipment; other
- Plants and equipment for energy recycling
- Fire and spark extinguishing systems