Hans-Böckler-Str. 24
32423 Minden
Company Details

Bonding load-bearing parts made of wood - this could be a summary of the purpose of the machines and plants of Minda Industrieanlagen GmbH for the wood industry. Minda's customers are manufacturers of glulam, laminated beams, solid structural timber and cross laminated timber, log house elements, wall elements, ceiling elements and formwork beams all over the world. The spectrum of products and services ranges from individual components to complete plants, from the modernisation of existing plants to the construction of network-integrated plants.
Especially for the production of the currently highly interesting building material cross laminated timber (CLT), Minda offers technologically leading products from its own development and is holding a number of patents in this field (among other). One example is the TimberPRess X337 press line, with which cross laminated timber of any quality in dimensions up to 18 meters long and 3.5 meters wide is possible.
In addition to the timber industry, Minda also offers solutions for internal transport and intralogistics for the corrugated and solid cardboard industry. All products are manufactured with a high quality standard exclusively in Germany. In addition to its headquarters in Minden, the MINDA Group includes Minda Industrieanlagen GmbH / Tangermünde, Hohmeier Anlagenbau GmbH / Stadthagen and UNIVERSAL Corrugated B.V. / Almelo (Netherlands).
Representatives in your location
Product programme
Machine types
- Laminated timber presses / clamps for construction timber, glulam, etc.
- Vacuum lifting equipment
- Outfeed and stacking units
- Angle transfer stations
- Driven roller conveyors
- Machines and equipment for glue laminated timber / glulam construction
- Stacking and bundling stations
- Infeed units
- Board turning stations
- Cross conveyors
- Undriven roller conveyors
- General contractors for solid wood processing plants