Steinbeisstr. 8
72636 Frickenhausen
Company Details

HEMA band saw technology and cutting systems - perfectly tailored
The band saw machines known under the HEMA brand in 9 different sizes form the standard product range of Heermann Maschinenbau. In addition to these standard band saws and the carpentry machine program, cutting systems and special band saws tailored to the individual requirements of the customer for almost all materials and workpiece dimensions clearly play the main role. The product range includes two-, three- and four-roller machines in horizontal and vertical design, if required also swivelling.
In cooperation with its customers, Hema develops the ideal cutting concept for manual operation, semi-automatic production as well as for fully automatic production in three-shift operation. Hema can draw on decades of experience in the selection of suitable cutting tools and in the development and optimisation of the actual cutting process. Saw bands/band saw blades, tools and accessories therefore round off the product range and can be purchased quickly and easily from an online shop at any time.
Product programme
Machine types
- Band resaws
- Copying band saws
- Single-end profile sanders
- Disc sanders
- Machines and plants for agricultural tool handles (for shovel, spade, hoe, rake, hammer, pick, etc.)
- Portable planers
- Portable chain mortisers
- Band saw blades for narrow band saws
- Dowel bits
- Mortise chains and auxiliary equipment
- Turn blade knives
- Saw brazing and welding machines
- Narrow band saws
- Chain mortisers
- Belt sanders
- Special machines for carpenters and building industry
- Portable band saws
- Portable routers
- Band saw blades for log band saws / band resaws
- Through-hole boring bits
- Countersink bits
- Saw chains
- Band saw guides
- Sawing units