Forchenstraße 50
72813 St. Johann-Lonsingen
Technology for timber construction and the prefabricated house industry
WEINMANN is the market leader for machine technology for timber construction and the prefabricated house industry. As part of the HOMAG Group AG the company operates worldwide and supplies not only the entire range of machine technology for timber construction, carpentry companies, module and prefabricated house manufacturers, but also the appropriate software solutions, consulting services and comprehensive service. Products include carpentry machines, assembly tables, framing stations, combi wall systems, multifunction bridges, timber frame production lines and complete systems for prefabricated house construction, handling and storage systems as well as robot technology. Suitable software and control systems as well as digital assistants are available to complement and optimize the work processes. In addition to holistic consulting, a wide range of training and continuing education options is available.
Facts & Figures
- Powerful: more than 5,000 machines worldwide
- Close: as part of HOMAG present in over 100 countries
- Competent: more than 35 years of experience in timber construction
- 截边线
- 组装台
- 结构用构件加工中心
- 绝缘材料加工机械
- 实木板类工厂总承包
- 木构造用独立软件
- 木工及建筑专业机械
- 壁柜单元用自动打钉机
- 胶合层积材 / 胶合层积构造用机械及设备
- 木构及木屋总承包
- 实木加工用独立软件