IPE Produktionsgesellschaft für Entsorgungssysteme mbH
Lange Straße 47
89160 Dornstadt
Şirket hakkında bilgi
IPE - Clever extraction systems made in Germany
The filter module system from IPE GmbH is the basis for customised extraction solutions that can be implemented quickly, flexibly and cost-effectively. The IPE extraction systems, which have proven themselves on the market for decades, are manufactured with the highest quality in Germany. Technologically, all IPE customers benefit from the synergies created by IPE's membership of the Scheuch Group.
The IPE filter modular system is an investment in the future, because the "modular" modules mean that an extraction system can be easily converted or extended. Cladding panels are simply removed from the desired side of the existing filter house, and extension "building blocks" are added. The extraction system is thus quickly and cost-effectively adapted to the changed requirements. This is the case, for example, when the machinery is expanded, more powerful machines are used or the operation is enlarged. But also when the type of disposal changes, for example from bagging to a briquette press, container or silo. With the IPE filter module system, extraction systems with an air capacity of 4,000 up to 300,000 m³/h are possible. IPE filter systems are particularly space-saving due to their compact design. Basically, IPE universal filter units can be operated with fans arranged on the clean air side (negative pressure system) as well as on the raw air side (positive pressure system).
Yerinde Temsiliciler
Maschinen und Anlagen für die Holz- und Kunststoffverarbeitung
Luzernerstrasse 26
CH-6294 Ermensee
Ürün programı
Makine Tipleri
- Püskürtme perdeleri / kabinleri
- Talaş ve toz emme tesisleri (filitre dahil)
- Silolar
- Vantilatörler
- Talaş ve toz emme tekniği, diğer
- Emme tesisleri
- Toz alıcı
- Endüstriyel toz emiciler
- Talaş ve toz emme tesisleri için özelleştirilmiş kumandalar
- Briketleme tesisleri