Bustadt 6 - 10
74360 Ilsfeld
Company Details

For more than 25 years WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH has been producing shredding machines and briquetting presses for various tasks, among others for customers from the wood, plastics and recycling industries all over the world.
Weima shredders and briquetting presses are widely used in industry and trade, especially in wood processing. The different series and rotor variants process all types of wood, even whole logs: pallets, sawn timber, chipboard or MDF boards, stairs, window frames, doors or semi-finished wood products and many others.
With briquetting, a volume reduction of up to 90% is achieved. Wood residues become a high-quality fuel. For shredding, Weima distinguishes the following machine types in its portfolio: Single-shaft shredders (such as the WL4 model), horizontal shredders, pre- and post-shredders, impact crushers, granulators, universal shredders, four-shaft shredders. The machines run safely, reliably and economically.
The company has sales locations in France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, USA, China, Russia and has more than 50 representatives worldwide.
Representatives in your location
Product programme
Machine types
- Chippers and chipping mills
- Stationary hoggers
- Briquetting presses
- Turn blade knives
- Chopping machines (slow-speed)