Brunhildestr. 11
32547 Bad Oeynhausen
Company Details
The company Sander Maschinen und Anlagen is a specialist in the sector of winding machines, cutting machines, laminating lines as well as machines for rewinding and sawing of rolls. Often tailor-made complete lines are delivered. Typical machine types are laminating machines for wide and narrow surfaces of wood-based panels for furniture parts and application machines for self-adhesive protective films. Coating machines for the application of holtmelt adhesives are also offered.
The machines are not only used in the furniture industry, but also for coating aluminum and steel plates or glass plates. From conception, development and production to worldwide delivery, assembly and commissioning, Sander works closely with customers to produce tailor-made machines for individual needs.
Product programme
Machine types
- Foil roll-on lines / continuous surface laminating plants
- Machines for the application of protective films
- Continuous surface laminating plants with integrated edge-wrapping units