Bodelschwinghstr. 20
32049 Herford
Company Details

The medium-sized company Eckelmann FCS (former Ferrocontrol Steuerungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG) offers automation solutions for woodworking and window production. For more than 35 years the company has concentrated on the development and implementation of automation solutions tailored to individual functional requirements and environmental conditions. The solution spectrum ranges from compact device control systems to the complete automation of large industrial plants.
Representatives in your location
Room 527, Tower B, Shoutegang Pioneer Mansion
No.1 of Gucheng Dajie
100043 Beijing
Shijingshan District
Room 701, No. 1
7866 Humin Road
201102 Shanghai
Minhang District
Product programme
Machine types
- Electric motors
- Image processing systems for identification of colours, structure, surface inspection, optical measuring, etc.
- Electronic equipment for data acquisition and data processing for furniture manufacturing
- Independent software for the furniture industry
- Independent software; other
- Numerical control systems
- Electronic equipment for data acquisition and data processing for veneer cutting and splicing
- Independent software for veneer processing
- Independent software for window construction